Saturday, October 4, 2014

Waving Girl Poem




There were many girls when I sailed the seas,
How many I now forget.
But the girl I remember most of all
Is the girl I never met.

I saw her first after months at sea,
When our ship had crossed the bar
She stood there on the light-house deck
A vision viewed from afar.

Then she waved a scarf or bandana,
Her faithful dog at her knee,
And I a home-sick sailor felt
Her welcome was just for me.

For years I sailed in and out that port
and she was always there
With a scarf by day and a lamp by night
To show to really did care.

Yes, there were many girls in many ports,
Some fair, some not, and yet
The girl I remember most of all
Is the girl I never met.

                          Edward T. Brennan, Poet Laureate,
                          Hibernian Society of Savannah


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